June 30th, 2022—When it comes to faceplates for your hotel's branding needs, the ALL-NEW Crystal HD faceplates exceed expectations. Trust us; we were blown away by them! And we aren't the only ones. Here are four reasons why people love the ALL-NEW Crystal HD faceplates:
1. Vibrant colors are easily retained
2. Is that leather?
3. Readability is key
4. These things are waterproof
01. Vibrant colors are easily retained
When printing faceplates, especially dark floods--think dark colored faceplates—printing can be challenging with traditional paper with plastic overlay faceplates. They can be overly dark, not dark enough, and lose their luster after a while. With the Crystal HD faceplates? Not so much. The color is long-lasting and won't wear off as often. So, when it comes to your hotel branding, especially with colors, Crystal HD stands out above the rest!
02. Is that leather?
Crystal HD faceplates have a distinct yet unique, smooth feel to them. The leather-like feeling is easily bendable too! The traditional paper with plastic overlay faceplates tears more quickly than the Crystal HD. Having to replace faceplates constantly adds up. But with the Crystal HD, you don't have to worry about the faceplate accidentally tearing. Also, with the bendability of the Crystal HD, you easily fit the faceplate for whatever phone you have in your hotel! The Crystal HD means longer-lasting faceplates, saving money in the long run.
03. Readability is key
What does the HD stand for in Crystal HD? We are glad you asked! High-Definition, or simply HD, is the name we choose. Why? Because the readability of the text on the faceplates looks like they are in high definition! With some darker colored floods and not-so-friendly color schemes, the text can be hard to read with traditional paper faceplates with a plastic overlay. But with the Crystal HD faceplates, they stand out! The text is easily readable, seemingly in high definition. And having readable text on your faceplates is paramount for hotel guests.
04. These things are waterproof
Cleaning paper faceplates with a damp cleaning cloth are, let's say, it doesn't end well. Eventually, the cleaning cloth wears down the traditional paper with the plastic overlay. Leaving them stained; they lose their luster and color. Crystal HD, on the contrary, is waterproof! You read that correctly; waterproof, which means longer-lasting faceplates for your phones when cleaning them. It's one of the biggest reasons people love Crystal HD faceplates!
The ALL-NEW Crystal HD faceplates are game changers! They are longer-lasting, waterproof, readable, and retain color well. Contact us today to learn more about why people love the new Crystal HD faceplates!
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1. Vibrant colors are easily retained
2. Is that leather?
3. Readability is key
4. These things are waterproof
01. Vibrant colors are easily retained
When printing faceplates, especially dark floods--think dark colored faceplates—printing can be challenging with traditional paper with plastic overlay faceplates. They can be overly dark, not dark enough, and lose their luster after a while. With the Crystal HD faceplates? Not so much. The color is long-lasting and won't wear off as often. So, when it comes to your hotel branding, especially with colors, Crystal HD stands out above the rest!
02. Is that leather?
Crystal HD faceplates have a distinct yet unique, smooth feel to them. The leather-like feeling is easily bendable too! The traditional paper with plastic overlay faceplates tears more quickly than the Crystal HD. Having to replace faceplates constantly adds up. But with the Crystal HD, you don't have to worry about the faceplate accidentally tearing. Also, with the bendability of the Crystal HD, you easily fit the faceplate for whatever phone you have in your hotel! The Crystal HD means longer-lasting faceplates, saving money in the long run.
03. Readability is key
What does the HD stand for in Crystal HD? We are glad you asked! High-Definition, or simply HD, is the name we choose. Why? Because the readability of the text on the faceplates looks like they are in high definition! With some darker colored floods and not-so-friendly color schemes, the text can be hard to read with traditional paper faceplates with a plastic overlay. But with the Crystal HD faceplates, they stand out! The text is easily readable, seemingly in high definition. And having readable text on your faceplates is paramount for hotel guests.
04. These things are waterproof
Cleaning paper faceplates with a damp cleaning cloth are, let's say, it doesn't end well. Eventually, the cleaning cloth wears down the traditional paper with the plastic overlay. Leaving them stained; they lose their luster and color. Crystal HD, on the contrary, is waterproof! You read that correctly; waterproof, which means longer-lasting faceplates for your phones when cleaning them. It's one of the biggest reasons people love Crystal HD faceplates!
The ALL-NEW Crystal HD faceplates are game changers! They are longer-lasting, waterproof, readable, and retain color well. Contact us today to learn more about why people love the new Crystal HD faceplates!
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